Latest Updates on the Eden Project Morecambe June 2024: Progress and Future Plan

Home & Beyond
June 21, 2024

Overview of Eden Project Morecambe

The Eden Project Morecambe, initially known as Eden Project North, is making significant progress in 2024. The project has secured £50 million from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund. This funding is crucial for moving into the next phase, which involves finalising the remaining funds from private and philanthropic sources. The project is designed to transform Morecambe’s waterfront into a major eco-tourism attraction that blends education, ecology, and community engagement.

Project Vision and Collaborators

The Eden Project Morecambe aims to reimagine Morecambe Bay as a 21st-century seaside resort. The project focuses on fostering a deep connection with the natural world through interactive exhibits and sustainable architecture. It is a collaborative effort involving the Eden Project team and local partners, including Lancaster University, Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, and the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership. The total estimated cost of the project is £100 million, with completion targeted for 2026. The project will not only serve as an educational and recreational hub but also aims to drive positive behavioural changes towards the environment.

Design and Key Features

Above the Bay

This area will feature a diverse collection of plants and art exhibits, celebrating natural abundance and the rhythms of life linked to the sun. Visitors will experience a vibrant environment that showcases the beauty of nature through various interactive displays and artistic installations.

Below the Bay

An immersive series of theatrical experiences will be housed here, bringing to life the lunar rhythms and tides. This section aims to engage visitors with the natural processes that govern the marine ecosystem, offering a unique blend of education and entertainment.

The Natural Observatory

As the hub for research and education, The Natural Observatory will host various programs to foster scientific exploration and learning. This space will enable visitors to engage with ongoing research and gain insights into the environmental significance of Morecambe Bay. The observatory will also collaborate with academic and research institutions to drive innovations in sustainability and conservation.

The architectural design emphasises sustainability and sensitivity to the local environment, ensuring that the venue blends seamlessly with Morecambe Bay and the town. External spaces will be thoughtfully landscaped to enhance the connection between the attraction and its natural surroundings, creating a harmonious and inviting environment for visitors.

Community Engagement

Community involvement has been a cornerstone of the Eden Project Morecambe. Regular virtual and in-person events are held to update residents and gather feedback, ensuring the development aligns with local needs and aspirations. These events foster a sense of ownership and participation among the community, making them an integral part of the project’s success. The project team also hosts educational workshops and collaborative sessions to involve local schools and organisations in the planning and implementation process.

Economic Impact

The Eden Project Morecambe is expected to create 274 direct jobs and an additional 1,083 jobs in the wider economy through increased tourism and related activities. The attraction will foster numerous business opportunities, including partnerships with local vendors and service providers. Education, training, and research collaborations will be a significant part of the project, particularly with Lancaster University and Morecambe & Lancaster College. The project aims to boost the local economy by attracting visitors, driving tourism, and creating a vibrant community hub that offers educational and recreational activities.

Recent Developments and Future Plans

Recent updates indicate that the project will start construction in 2024. Discussions are ongoing regarding updated construction costs, private investment, and public subsidies. Planning permission has already been granted, and the transfer of city council-owned seafront land to the Eden Project is currently under review by the Competition and Markets Authority’s Subsidy Advice Unit. These developments signify a crucial phase in the project’s timeline, bringing it closer to becoming a reality.

The local community and businesses hope 2024 will mark a key year for the project's progress. The start of construction activities will symbolise a significant milestone, paving the way for Morecambe’s transformation into a leading eco-tourism destination. The Eden Project Morecambe aims to be a beacon of regeneration for the area, enhancing its appeal as a tourist destination and fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.

Stay Informed

For ongoing updates, follow the Eden Project Morecambe’s official communications.

The Local Housing Market Impact

The Eden Project Morecambe is not just a boon for tourism and the environment; it also promises to impact the local housing market significantly. With the project's potential to attract more visitors and new residents, property values in Morecambe are expected to rise. Local estate agents, such as Farrell Heyworth, are already witnessing increased interest from potential buyers and investors who are eager to capitalise on the town's upcoming transformation. This renewed interest will spur further development and improvements in the area, making Morecambe an even more desirable place to live and work.

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